Dr. Anna Staehli Wiser - Discover Osteopractic Physical Theraphy
Dr. Anna Staehli Wiser
Discover Osteopractic Physical Therapy

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Dizziness and vertigo can be debilitating and can have many causes, some of which are treatable with physical therapy. Dysfunction of the cervical spine (joints in the neck) can cause cervicogenic dizziness, which will improve with therapy directed to the neck. Positional vertigo is caused by dysfunction of the inner ear. Simple canalith repositioning maneuvers can fix this problem.

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Dr. Anna Staehli Wiser
Anna Staehli Wiser
DPT, FAAOMPT, Dip. Osteopractic, Cert. SMT, Cert. DN

(207)  855-0715

(207) 690-5748 - fax


 Please call for an appointment


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20 North Avenue
Skowhegan, Maine 04976


Credit cards are accepted. Payment is due at time of service. I do not contract with insurance. Using a fee for service payment model allows me to spend more time with you and provide the individualized care specific to your needs.